Wing Commander IV - The Price Of Freedom

USA 1996

Live Action Released by Origin.

Starring: Mark Hamill [Colonel Christopher Blair], John Rhys-Davis [Paladin], Tom Wilson [Maniac], Malcolm McDowell [Admiral Tolwyn]

Synopsis:The game is a continuation of the Wing Commander series. The player takes on the persona of Col. Christopher Blair, now retired from active duty. The war with the Kilrathi is over, now power struggles in the boarder worlds threaten to destroy the confederacy. This prompts the recall of Blair into active service. Unlike WC III, where right and wrong are clear cut, now there is a blurring between who is on the right side of the fighting. Again the player decides which path of the game he wants to play and what end sequence (s)he will see.
Filmed on 35 mm film, mostly with real sets and some green screens which are composited into virtual sets. Directed by Chris Roberts.
